Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Happy Accidents!

"We don't make mistakes here, we just have happy accidents." - Bob Ross

If you don't know who Bob Ross is, you need to google him and find his video's The
Joy Of Painting.

Watching his show made my artistic dreams possible, and then with a swish of my paint brush crushed them immediately. I was 12 years old crying over my canvas because I didn't have
"happy trees", I didn't have trees at all. Well it turns out painting just wasn't my medium.

So last night while working on beads I had a "happy accident", actually a few. The beads weren't what I was envisioning but they still turned out pretty.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing

The kids are finished with their sports and school is out so I finally have time to think of beads. The problem is that I'm still waiting for the oxygen for my torch. I always feel I have too much on my plate and making a 30min trip to the supply store never seems to make its way to the top of my list. I am going to try to get some today so by this weekend I should have beads to show.